
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2018

قصيدة في مدح سيدنا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم سيد ولد آدم ولافخر المبعوث رحمة للعالمين هداية الحائرين النور وسفينة الحق من تعلق بها نجا فاللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وسنظل على عهدنا وذكرنا بحب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهذه القصيدة هي أحد أروع الأمثلة على الحب والشكر الذي لا يعادل ولا يقابل ولا يساوي ذرة من عطاء رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم  https://youtu.be/qlrAjCSy_Z0

Anatomy of the extreme mind& Dismantling the extreme mind

Anatomy of the extreme mind Dismantling the extreme mind Extremism is not just an idea that fell into the mind of a person by chance, changed his behavior and perhaps pushed him to violence, and treatment is not just the imprisonment of the extremist or punishment or suppression or even killing, extremism system requires the accurate anatomy of its components and wise and deep procedures to dismantle, and then preparations to receive returnees from the embrace of extremism  Despite the fact that extremism is a global phenomenon, Arab societies account for 67% of the terrorist incidents of which extremism is a base. The Arab environment has become productive, incubator and source of extremism. Extremism is the base of terrorism and it is necessary to address it before it becomes terrorism. Extremism is an intellectual scourge and a deviation from ideology, but it is not necessarily a crime and therefore needs many intellectual confrontations and doctrinal corrections. If i...

African Kitchen (first meal)

Food is a very huge passion of mine and i also believe that one cannot sleep well, think well and love well if they not dined well.todays meal is grilled porkchops,jacket potatoes,green salad and mango juice. I choose this meal because it has the necessary nutrients needed by the body ..the ingredients needed  for this meal are 2 potatoes,parsely,cotage cheese,lettuce,onion,cucumber,tomato,chilli flakes,bbq spice,cup bbqsauce,olive oil,salt and pepper to taste. The benefits of this meal are as follows..pork provites our body with proteins which is good for repairing worn out tissues and potatoes are a good remedy for constipation,eliminate bowel straining.it lowers and stablises blood ,that is why i choose them for dinner.they also contain iron and zinc which helps in building and maintains bone structure,,,phosphorus and calcium are the most important in the formation of bones. Green salad is a very delicious dish which has multi nutritional benefits,as it opens the appetite...

Genious:Stephen Hawking

The Legend of Science and Will Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking Born in Oxford, England (1942) and died on March 14, 2018, one of the world is leading theoretical physicists; he studied at Oxford University and received his first honors in physics. He completed his studies at Cambridge University He has a Ph.D. in cosmology, has theoretical research in cosmology and research into the relationship between black holes and thermodynamics, as well as his research and studies in the chronology. Although he spent most of his life in a wheelchair, he roamed the mind of the infinite universe, knew many of his complex secrets, and presented them to people in simplified images and popular writings  His personal life   Hawking is fortunate to have a distinguished family, especially his wife Jane Wilde, whom he married in 1965, and is an example of challenge, patience, disease resistance, and the achievement of what healthy people cannot. Along with his long career in ...

Bouts of anxiety and tension

Bouts of anxiety and tension are hidden diseases The first impressions of non-physical ills are mostly negative. Many associate the psychological disorder with what once classified as "madness" or "simplicity", which may lead patients to hide their disorders, which later aggravate them I had started to read the novel "The Marriage Plo" by the American-Greek writer Jeffrey Eugenie's just because the hero is a university student who specializes in English literature. However, at the end I was surprised that what had caught my interest entirely was the basic personality suffering from a bipolar disorder, whose symptoms highlight mood swings and depression. Although I was somewhat familiar with the reality of psychological disorders from articles here and there, the novel led me to reflect on a painful and dangerous reality facing the world, hidden diseases. Since shaky and politically unstable societies are fertile environments for troubled psycho...

Paralysis (Types of motor disabilities)

Types of motor disabilities (paralysis) The overall movement of the human is done by the brain receiving the stimuli by the sensory (sensory nerves) to translate this stimulus and return from the brain to the body through the sensory nerves to the motor nerves and then to the muscles Spinal Cord Injury (Spinal Cord) The spinal cord is the vector of information to and from the brain. A cylindrical tube passes through a thin channel that extends within the spinal canal. It is composed of a white substance called the spinal cord. It encased by a membrane and a pair of spinal nerves emerges at regular intervals.  Nerves from different parts of the body when exposed to a woman to the spinal cord. The brain called sensory nerves. The second type transmits information and commands from the brain to the spinal cord. The body parts called loco motor nerves When the spinal cord damaged, it will cause a malfunction in the loco motor system that is below the injury level....

Music 🎶

Music limits the feeling of dementia patients with depression A new analysis of scientific findings revealed that music therapy might limit the feeling of depression and tension among patients with dementia The researchers found that music therapy might also improve the morbidity of people with the disease However, the report, published in the journal Cochrane Library, noted that the research team found no benefit for this type of treatment when it comes to cognitive and behavioral problems such as agitation and aggressive behavior "Even though the benefits of music therapy are not great," said Jenny van deer Steen, head of the research team and researcher at the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Leiden Medical Center in the Netherlands. Is very important in patients with dementia and their caregivers, as well as maintaining a certain level at a time when the patient expected to see a decline  "These results are close...

Speech & Speech disorders

Speech and speech disorders Human interaction is based on language, but communication is part of the interaction between different organisms, and this is clear from the perspective of the listener, as any child speaks differently than what is said natural, and through the method of production of speech, this can be a defect in speech, And speech is not normal when it deviates somehow from the words of other people Language disorders are an important means of achieving human communication, self-expression, and a means of mental, emotional and social development.  Language disorders also characterized by poor language ability. Language disorders related to the language itself. On the other hand, delayed or poorly installed through the meaning or rules or even difficult to read or write, but speech disorders appear in many other images such as substitution, deletion and stammering The manifestations of language disorders vary according to different situations and age gro...

Some Relationships Effects

Some relationships destroy our lives from the psychological and social aspects Relationships are very important to humans as they are our way of interacting and communicating with one another. They are essential in life, but not all relations are healthy. There are harmful and poisonous relationships What are the harmful relationships? Relationships may be harmless, but they are disabled; they will stop you from achieving your goals, such as the dependability relationship in which the person depends entirely on you and drains your strengths and helps you achieve your own goals Destructive and harmful relationships are relationships that threaten your psychological and physical integrity; relationships that destroy your ability to feel happy and enjoy life Relationships that lose you respect for yourself and your self-confidence, your relationships in a constant conflict, relationships that manipulate you Relationships that are threatened, i.e., relations that dep...

African kitchen (second meal)

AFRICAN  FOODS I believe that healthy eating is all about eating smart and enjoying your food and nothing is more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure aswell as necessity.I think African food cannot be complete without the taste of tripe stew.There are a lot of varieties of tripe stew but i decided to make the one which has vegetables to improve its colour and i believe that food should be our medicine that is why i  chose to write about african foods to show that africa has the best foof you can ever get. Today we will be talking about this meal..cheesepap,tripestew,cabbage and orange  juice. Jfor the ingredients of cheesepap we would need 500g maize meal,1tsp salt,1litre water,fresh parsely and cubed cheese. This is how we prepare cheesepap..bring water to boil in a saucepan and add salt..maize meal ,slowly whisk in the maize meal and let it cook for 1o minutes.roll up the pap to form a ball which co ers the cheese inside it a...

Psychological Depression in women

Psychological depression in women There is no harm to you if you feel some sadness from time to time as a natural response to the harsh surroundings that we experience every day; naturally, this grief quickly wanes over time, and does not adversely affect who feels afterwards Depression, however, is different. Depression defined as a severe mood disorder in the patient; it accompanied by feelings of sadness, distress, lack of self-confidence, fatigue and loss of appetite. As well as in a way that affects his ability to think and exercise the normal daily activity of sleep, work and so on The incidence of depression is higher in women than in men, due to the biological, hormonal and social factors of women  Symptoms of depression in women Symptoms of depression in women include the following: The constant feeling of sadness, anxiety and emotional emptiness Lack of desire to engage in normal daily activity, or any activity that has previously bee...

مباراة الأهلي المصري والترجي التونسي في النهائي2018

مبروك فوز الفريق التونسى الشقيق :::  فى مباره من طرف واحد حقق الفريق التونسى فوز كبير على النادى الاهلى  فى ظل غياب عدد كبير من لاعبى الاهلى الاصابه وللاقف  بأمر من الكاف حقق النادى التونسى الشقيق البطوله الثالث فى تاريخو بعد مباره كبيره من الفريق التونسى وحل عقده رادس بعد ان فاز الفريق المصرى أكتر من مره على هذا الملعب وحقق الاهلى الفوز على الترجى فى رادس عام 2012بثنائيه مقابل هدف ولكن امس  عاد  الترجى وبقوه ليحقق فوز كبير على زعيم القاره الافريقيه الذى بات يحلم بالتاسعه دائما وتستمر حلم التاسعه يلازم جمهور الاهلى دائما وابدا وكانت اجواء المباره حماسيه جدا من طرف الفريق التونسى حيث بدأ بالظعط المستمر  طول أحداث المباره وأحراز أول اهداف المباره فى الدقيقه45 من الشوط الاول عن طريق اللعب سعد بقير هو نفس اللعب  واحزار العب اللعب أنيس البدرى الهدف الثالث فى الدقيقه86 ليحقق اللقب الثالث فى تاريخووو

الحرب الذهنية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .. أهلًا وسهلًا بك عزيزي القارئ في مدونة المجتمع السعيد لأجل مستقبل أفضل ..شارك هذه الرسالة لتصل لكل أنحاء العالم.... نتكلم اليوم عن أسرار غامضة وخفايا كبيرة في عالمنا لا نعلم من صنعها ولا من قادها أو تطورها إنما فقط نري بعض الوجوه الزائفة اللامعة منها التي تظهر لنا في القنوات التليفزيونية والمحطات الإخبارية والجرائد والمجلات .نتكلم اليوم عن أمراء السر وملوك الظلام وأسياد الشر الذين لا نعرفهم ولا نري تحركاتهم ولا نعرف نواياهم حتي . ما حدث فقط هو أننا نري الأمم مريضة بجميع طوائفها واختلافاتها بمرض خبيث سرطاني .وإن كان العلماء قد اقتربوا من علاج مرض السرطان إلا أن الأدباء حتي لم يقدروا علي استكشاف أو مجابهة أو فحص هذا المرض. فقط يقولون كلمتهم فلا يلقي لها بالًا ثم تذهب دعوتهم مع الريح.أجل أتحدث عن هذا السم الزعاف الذي أصاب الأمم فلا يهمني من صنعه. ذلك الذي أضعف شباب أمتنا فخارت قواهم وسلبهم عقولهم فأسرهم وجردهم من تاريخهم وفكرهم وعاداتهم فأصبح يسيرهم كما تسير عجلات السكة الحديدية بالسرعة التي يريدونها وفي اتجاه بلا عودة-إلا من رحم ربي-إلي الهاوية. يقذف...