African Kitchen (first meal)
Food is a very huge passion of mine and i also believe that one cannot sleep well, think well and love well if they not dined well.todays meal is grilled porkchops,jacket potatoes,green salad and mango juice. I choose this meal because it has the necessary nutrients needed by the body ..the ingredients needed for this meal are 2 potatoes,parsely,cotage cheese,lettuce,onion,cucumber,tomato,chilli flakes,bbq spice,cup bbqsauce,olive oil,salt and pepper to taste.
The benefits of this meal are as follows..pork provites our body with proteins which is good for repairing worn out tissues and potatoes are a good remedy for constipation,eliminate bowel lowers and stablises blood ,that is why i choose them for dinner.they also contain iron and zinc which helps in building and maintains bone structure,,,phosphorus and calcium are the most important in the formation of bones.
Green salad is a very delicious dish which has multi nutritional benefits,as it opens the appetite of a person with its multiplicity of different colours in it and can be used for weight loss,it is one of the famous dishes in the world.
Mango is beneficiary to the body because it improves digestion,promotes a healthy sex life and is enriched with vitamin A,c and e.
Mangoes are a rich source of iron and flavonoids and also helps in improving metabolism of the body.
Mangoes keep a check on the cholesterol levels,regular intake of mangoes can cure eye problems.
Mangoes prevent heart diseases
Promote healthy sex
How to prepare the meal
Grilled porkchops
Marinate the steak with barberque spice,olive oil,barberque source,chilli flakes,salt and pepper to taste and put it in the fridge,then pour olive oil in your and fry your stake 3 munites on its side and let it rest in the oven for 5 munites.For jacket potatoes you pour two cups of water in a source pan and add two potatoes to the water and let it cook for ten munites,take out the boiled potatoes from a source pan and preak with a fork to see if they are well cooked,Use a spoon to make a deep path on a potato and pour cotage cheese on the path made then sprinkle pasley on top.
GREEN SALAD:shred the lattice and cut chop your to your preffered shapes,chop your tomatoes and add them to the
.shreded lattic.
Main dish |
Taste: this meal taste yummy ....potatoes are yummy with cotage cheese in it..the food smells good with different flavours.
By:Thato Medupe
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