Speech & Speech disorders

Speech and speech disorders
Human interaction is based on language, but communication is part of the interaction between different organisms, and this is clear from the perspective of the listener, as any child speaks differently than what is said natural, and through the method of production of speech, this can be a defect in speech, And speech is not normal when it deviates somehow from the words of other people
Language disorders are an important means of achieving human communication, self-expression, and a means of mental, emotional and social development. 
Language disorders also characterized by poor language ability. Language disorders related to the language itself. On the other hand, delayed or poorly installed through the meaning or rules or even difficult to read or write, but speech disorders appear in many other images such as substitution, deletion and stammering

The manifestations of language disorders vary according to different situations and age groups and the number of reasons leading to them, which related to the causes of membership, psychological or neurological, social and educational and others, and on this basis can be divided language disorders to

Speech disorders, including deletion, substitution, addition and distortion

Sound disturbances, including low or high sound and acoustic sound and vinegar

 Speech disorders, including delayed speech and stuttering (stuttering) and stuttering in speech, as shown in the form of repetition or prolongation of letters or words, as well as excessive speed in speech

language disorders themselves, including delayed language development and loss of language ability, which is called verbal confusion, including difficulties in understanding words and sentences, reading, writing and expression, and may even be disorders associated with cerebral palsy

Human interaction is based on language, but communication is part of the interaction between different organisms, and this is clear from the perspective of the listener, as any child speaks differently than what is said natural, and through the method of production of speech, this can be a defect in speech , And speech is not normal when it deviates in some way from the words of other people, so that attention to him and intervene in the correction or even when it causes discomfort to the speaker or listener, in addition, it can also be classified as defective (inappropriate) when not uttering or Not easily heard by the listener, so that Be on a non-verbal track correct and inappropriate for the individual for his age or mental age, gender or physical growth

Thus, it is clear from the above that the individual's speech is disturbed when the amount of anomalies is sufficient to make it difficult for him to communicate well with ordinary listeners, although the amount of anomalies and the degree of defect and importance may vary greatly from individual to individual

The main causes of speech and language disorders are

 Neural causes: It is associated with a defect or damage to the central nervous system as a result of injury before, during or after birth, because it is the device responsible for speech and language, so any imbalance will lead to disorders in language and speech, such as dyslexia and difficulty reading and writing And understanding of words and sentences and their order in terms of grammar, as is also the case of cerebral palsy injuries, which are due to problems in the brain

Causes of organic form: Due to the presence of defects in both throat and tendon and throat and jaw and throat and throat, nose, lips, tongue and cleft lip and the lack of consistency of teeth and others, and may also be due to the immaturity of the tissues of the throat and lips or other or the short piece of meat tied tongue Or to verbal assaults

Mental retardation: and is used in the weakness of intelligence and concentration of attention

Psychological reasons: It related to the methods of family upbringing represented by the overprotection and protection and rejection and discrimination between brothers and physical and psychological punishment and others

Individuals with speech impairments face a number of problems in daily life, because partial speech loss may also mean loss of hearing and auditory discrimination. Thus, verbal difficulties interfere with the distinction and spelling of words. Some may not even understand simple sentences and find difficulty in pronouncing words, which leads to misunderstanding, and correct interpretation of instructions, in addition to the inability to express and describe people, places and things clearly, as they are poorly achievable in school compared to ordinary people, especially with regard to reading

This is why individuals with speechless defects are generally speechless unless others speak with them. When they speak, they speak inaudible and move the tongue, head, and arms. Their conversation is striking because they do not speak fluently and fluently, their voices are uncomfortable when speaking, they abuse the language (they use the non-leading language) and speak in a way that is difficult for others to understand because their vocabulary is limited in comparison to their age. They are also ashamed to communicate with others, leading to their withdrawal from social attitudes. These individuals become conscious or aware of their own and therefore cannot play an active role in games or group activities. This maladjustment contributes to the emergence of aggressive tendencies, anxiety and general concerns, which generally makes them incompatible with the general behavior standard


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