Anatomy of the extreme mind& Dismantling the extreme mind

Anatomy of the extreme mind
Dismantling the extreme mind
Extremism is not just an idea that fell into the mind of a person by chance, changed his behavior and perhaps pushed him to violence, and treatment is not just the imprisonment of the extremist or punishment or suppression or even killing, extremism system requires the accurate anatomy of its components and wise and deep procedures to dismantle, and then preparations to receive returnees from the embrace of extremism

 Despite the fact that extremism is a global phenomenon, Arab societies account for 67% of the terrorist incidents of which extremism is a base. The Arab environment has become productive, incubator and source of extremism. Extremism is the base of terrorism and it is necessary to address it before it becomes terrorism. Extremism is an intellectual scourge and a deviation from ideology, but it is not necessarily a crime and therefore needs many intellectual confrontations and doctrinal corrections. If it goes beyond the boundaries of thought to the limits of violent action, the law will deal with it firmly and with all justice. This requires the drying up of intellectual, psychological, social and political extremism, and building a moderate and moderate community base

 Despite the repeated statements of officials to eliminate terrorism and terrorists, the events of terrorism continue to escalate, and it is clear that the security deal alone (which some countries rely on) will not end this phenomenon, but sometimes it leads to the expansion of the circles of violence and counter-violence without end, Therefore, it is necessary to dissect the extremist mind and deal with this phenomenon at various levels politically, culturally, religiously, psychologically and socially. The following is an attempt to dissect the extremist mind, which has blown up, so that it goes towards and then the bombing in a way that goes beyond the proper logic of the rational human mind

The law of conflict prevails over the law of love in its psychological form. This is due to a troubled relationship with the mother and the surrounding environment in the early childhood period, where he suffered from neglect, neglect, rejection or discrimination between him and his brothers or peers. He was convinced that the world is full of cruelty and threats. Is lost and that injustice is the rule and that he must protect himself from the dangers that he faces (as he imagines), and that the predominance of the strong, and that love is a weakness that is not worthy of it as well as that does not exist, and that the other is not trusted and not trusted

 The predominance of the instinct of death on the instinct of life, and therefore find it rushes in dangerous behaviors that may threaten the life or life of others and is not indifferent to it, but may seek death for himself or others, especially if linked to a religious sense reassures him that his death a way to heaven, To nihilism and destruction under religious cover. 
Since violent extremists do not fear death, they do not care about deterrent laws or sanctions

 Rejecting any authority and always grappling with symbols of authority starting with parental, family, school, administrative or political authority

He does not feel belonging to his family or his older family or his community. He feels alienated towards all of them. He may feel resentful towards them and wish them a loss because of the feelings of frustration, oppression, injustice and anger. His belonging to groups that he feels with himself may become very loyal to her

 Fills himself with acute psychological conflicts that threaten his psychological stability all the time, so he tries to transfer these conflicts from the inside out to relieve himself of the psychological burden, and engaged with the outside rather than clashing with him

 A monolithic vision, where he adopts his personal view or the view of his group to which he belongs, and does not try to think of any other visions or prospects, either because of the dilution of unilateral vision or because of intolerance

Therefore, the gates of dialogue, understanding and conviction are closed and become a closed iron box that is difficult to access from any side

 It moves with a solid and coherent doctrine despite its corruption or deformation

Create an unrealistic image of the self, the other, society and life, and then start from it to change according to its concept

Desperate from all sects of society, his sinner is hostile to them

 The tendency to secrecy and identification because of his skepticism in the other and lost confidence in everyone and predicted evil and harm them

He does not have the ability to think critically so he receives orders from his leaders as sacred divine orders that do not need to be thought or reviewed. For him, he is the only religious authority that is unheard of

Feeds his anger and justify the mistakes of power and the mistakes of society


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