Tourism in America Tourism in America is a massive industry that attracts millions of visitors each year. From the natural wonders of national parks to the bustling metropolises of New York and Los Angeles, America offers a diverse range of destinations that cater to all types of travelers. In this article, we will take a closer look at the tourism industry in America, including some of the most popular destinations, trends, and challenges facing the industry. Top Destinations One of the top destinations for tourists visiting America is New York City. The city is known for its iconic landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, and the Empire State Building, as well as its vibrant culture and diverse dining scene. Other popular destinations in the United States include Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Miami, and San Francisco. Another draw for tourists is America's stunning natural scenery. National parks like Yellowstone, Yosemite, and the Grand Canyon attract millions of visitor...
Revival Over Labor Day Holiday China is a vast and diverse country with a rich history and culture, making it a popular destination for tourists from all over the world. From its modern metropolises to ancient landmarks, natural wonders to culinary delights, there is something for everyone in China. One of the most popular tourist destinations in China is the Great Wall. This incredible structure, which stretches for over 13,000 miles, is a testament to the engineering prowess of the ancient Chinese. Visitors can hike along the wall, taking in the stunning scenery and learning about its history and construction. Another must-visit landmark in China is the Forbidden City. This enormous complex was the home of China's emperors for over 500 years and is now a museum open to the public. Visitors can explore the intricate buildings, beautiful gardens, and learn about the lives of the emperors and their families. Nature lovers will find plenty to see and do in China as well. The countr...
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم "يا ليت قومي يعلمون * بما غفر لي ربي وجعلني من المكرمين " صدق الله العظيم يا ليت قومي يعلمون قالها الرجل الصالح الناصح لقومه بعبادة الله لتكون مثلًا وعبرة لكل رجل صالح يهجره قومه.... فيا حسرة ويا ندامة ويا ليت قومي يعلمون أو يفهمون أو يدركون أو يتدبرون أو يتذكرون أو يشعرون أو يشكرون أو يتفكرون .. ويا ليت للتمني ولكن الرجاء عند الله كبير فلعل قومي وإن يقيني بالله يقيني فإن شاء الله قومي يعلمون ويفهمون ويدركون ويتدبرون ويتذكرون .... طفل مهجر تخبطته البلاد والمصائب ولكن قلبه لم يفارق القرآن ولم يفارق جوارحه... يطلب ويعيد الطلب لأحد المشايخ المشهورة ليظهر معه على السوشيال ميديا ويلح ويصر حتي يستجيب الشيخ لم يخرج ليحكي مأساته ومعاناته بل ليعطر قلوبنا وجوارحنا بالقرآن الكريم... فاللهم ارزقنا وإياه مزمارًا من مزامير داود. ثم خرج ليؤذن الآذان فاللهم اجعله آذان خير على بلادنا.. اترككم لتستمتعوا بصوته العذب.. لمشاهدة الفيديو اضغط هنا
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