
عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, 2017

ASIG Elzaher Channel

The story of creating my channel is too tall to tell you in some sentences..I have tried very much to speak to people and argue with them. What help me to contact with others was that telling them strange and exciting things which I have read in best books about science and literature....etc.  This has a good effect my character. It made me very confident, socialist and encourage able...etc. My teachers gave me an increase interest and this what give me a positive power.. Also. My father always rewards me by many ways. Not only my father Also my all family was very proud of my works. This success was good but not enough for me .Why not enough. Because l like to increase my circles, I like to gain more experience and I like to prove another success to me...etc. So that I have created "ASIG Elzaher" channel. And I have uploaded many videos has a special story.  When I was  young, I love very much to contact with the society. This will continue  with "ASIG Elzahe...